China Non-ferrous Metal Copper Aluminum Zinc Lead Review on October 13 2022

Winland Metal Copper Piping Products


Crude oil prices in the stock market continued to fall, and copper in London closed down 0.82% overnight. Factors such as the global epidemic and strikes have affected the output of copper mines, and China's continued adherence to epidemic prevention policies has caused market sentiment to fall, and copper may remain stable today.


Chinese Copper Price Trend
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The United States wants to impose sanctions on Rusal, and London Aluminum jumped by more than 4% overnight; China's new energy vehicle production and sales data are bright, consumption has improved in the silver ten season, and there is support below aluminum prices, and aluminum is expected to rise today.


China aluminum prices
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The minutes of the Fed's meeting were dovish, and London zinc closed up 0.46% overnight; the contradictions in energy issues are becoming increasingly acute, and there are constant worries about overseas production cuts and shutdowns, and many zinc factories in Yunnan are affected by power cuts. Today, zinc may rise.


China zinc prices
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In winter, the European energy crisis is more prominent, and the lead in London closed up 1.16% overnight. The demand for downstream electric bicycles and automobile supporting batteries is good, and the overall holiday accumulation is lower than expected, and the spot lead may be stable today.


China Lead prices
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The U.S. PPI rose more than expected to boost the dollar, and London tin closed down 1.23% overnight; Southeast Asia's tin production capacity was released, and imported supplies arrived, but the demand in the electronic semiconductor field was sluggish, and the current tin price may be limited.

China Tin Prices
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The three major U.S. stock indexes rose, and London nickel closed up 2.97% overnight; the Philippine rainy season is approaching, the supply of nickel ore will tighten, the price of nickel pig iron is stable, and the transaction of downstream bargain purchases has improved slightly. It is expected that nickel will rise slightly today.

China Nickel Prices
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