Copper Pipe Weight Calculator - Winland Metal
Input the specifications below, and get the theorectical weight of round copper tube right now.
How to calculate the weight of round copper tube?
To calculate copper tube's weight, you have to know three key dimensions:
- Outside Diameter Also refer to O.D. in millimeter.
- Wall Thickness Also refer to W.T., in millimeter.
- Length The length of tube, in meter.
Outside diameter of tube is larger than inside diameter, because the width of space between O.D. and I.D. (wall thickness). O.D. = I.D. + 2 x W.T.
Once we have enough datas of pipe's three dimensions, we could calculate the weight by following formula:
Weight = (O.D. - W.T.) * W.T. * 0.02796 * Length
There is one thing you need to remember, the O.D. and W.T. of copper tube is in millimeter(mm), and the length of copper tube in meter(m), the result of weight is KG.
It is quite simple TO get the theoretical weight of copper tube successfully, however please keep in mind, the weight of copper tube is theorectical. Because different production conditions, tolerance and other factors will effect the weight of copper tube.
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